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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Market shaping by BoPP organizations: A Qualitative Investigation

Published: May 27, 2020


Ramendra Singh, IIM Calcutta; Sandeep Rawat, NMIMS; Prabhat Dwivedi, STEP-HBTI


Market-shaping; base of pyramid producers; emerging markets


Market shaping strategies-defined as proactive, deliberate attempts by firms to re-shape their operating environment and the relationship among various actors (Kindström et al., 2018)- has found very little attention in the context of base of pyramid producer (BoPP) organizations. In this study, we synthesize literature on market shaping and integrate it with detailed case studies on four BoP producer (BoPP) organizations in India, to propose a theoretical framework to explain how BoPP organizations actively reshape and reconfigure their operating environment, in an emerging market. Based on our findings we suggest factors that influence the extent of market shaping done by focal firms which were by-product of configuration between activities, resources and capabilities triad, termed as “market-shaping triad” of the focal firm. We found that market shaping by BoPP focal firms may also occur as a by-product of its actions towards bringing a positive change for its stakeholders.