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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

Influencer Marketing on Instagram: Exploring the Role of Travel and Other Factors on a Post’s Success

Published: May 25, 2021


Björn Asdecker, University of Bamberg; Mario Landwehrjohann, University of Bamberg; Yannic Vogel, University of Bamberg; Kilian Vornberger, University of Bamberg


Instagram is an important social media platform that is the foundation of a thriving business model for many influencers and digital marketers. To build and retain an audience, influencers must regularly create appealing content that encourages interaction and leads to higher engagement rates, which is considered the key success factor in influencer marketing. Against this background, this study examines success factors of Instagram posts. It contributes to the literature by re-analyzing some previously investigated effects. In addition, the study explores for the first time whether influencers’ extensive travel behavior and their involvement in the content creation process contributes to a post’s success. Methodologically, a visual content analysis in combination with a multiple regression model is applied. The findings provide valuable insights for companies as well as influencers who try to become more successful, while critically reflecting on the sustainability of their lifestyle.