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EMAC 2020 Regional Conference

On the Interplay of Brand Origin, Brand and Brand User Stereotypes

Published: September 16, 2020


Adamantios Diamantopoulos , University of Vienna; Martin Egger, University of Vienna; Arnd Florack, University of Vienna; Petar Gidaković, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana; Živa Kolbl, University of Vienna; Ilona Sz?cs, University of Vienna; Vesna Zabkar, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana


stereotypes; warmth; competence


Although stereotypes are playing an important role in international marketing, their interplay has been overlooked so far. We draw on Stereotype Content Model, country image transfer, and brand trait transference literature to investigate relationships between brand origin, brand, and brand user stereotypes and link them to perceived value and purchase intentions. Three alternative theoretical models are tested in two complementary studies (UK: NStudy1 = 396; Slovenia: NStudy2 = 939). Study 1 shows that the best fitting model predicts stereotype content transfer in terms of warmth and competence from brand origin to the brand and, though it, to the brand user. Study 2 shows that the brand user stereotypes are not significant predictors of consumer outcomes. We conclude that while the stereotype transfer from country to brand is stable, the transfer from brand to brand user lends itself to additional investigation.


The authors acknowledge the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for supporting this study (Project Nr. I 3727–G27).