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EMAC 2023 Regional Conference

Rebuilding Trust in the Banking Sector: A Marketing Strategy for Restoring Client-Bank Relations in the Wake of the Lebanese Severe Economic Crisis (2019-2023)

Published: November 22, 2023


Carine Haber, Saint-Joseph University - Lebanon


In the light of the severe Lebanese crisis, the banking sector is grappling with critical challenges particularly with the regards to the deterioration of the client’s relationship. Hence, the research question is: How does understanding the deterioration of the client-bank relationship through marketing enable the proposal of a plan to restore the relationship following the socio-economic crisis in Lebanon (2019-2023)? Therefore, this research analyses the client-bank relationship among the loss of confidence, perceived betrayal, and anger/rage emotional reactions. Based on our two years research, twenty six interviews were conducted the results point out the deterioration phenomenon of client-bank relationship and develop a plan of actions and strategies to rebuild trust between clients and banks. The findings contribute to proposing a process for restoring trust in the client-bank relationship. Finally, the study acknowledges two limitations and suggests future directions research.