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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Gender Stereotypes in print advertising: historical view from Brazil

Published: May 28, 2019


Andres Veloso, University of Sao Paulo; Lealis Lopes, University of Sao Paulo; Lara Victorino, University of Sao Paulo


stereotype; print-advertising; women


Our study focuses on understanding these changes by looking into how women are represented in print adverting. We selected Veja magazine, the most important weekly magazine in Brazil for decades. In total, 492 advertisements that portrayed women were collected, between 1968 and 2016, totaling a period of 48 years. The characteristics evaluated were: the number of men and women present in the advertisement and if there is interaction between them, which product is advertised and the market sector, the part of the woman's body present in the image, the clothing she is wearing, the scene and the action being taken, in addition to the target audience of the advertisement. Initially, women were represented in small sizes, in most cases next to a man, lacking independence. Women where mainly shown as mothers or housewife’s, reflecting their role in society. Overtime, following social and political changes that occurred in Brazil, women started appearing in qualified positions, being used to tangibilize the product or service advertised. Finally, the traditional role of women as mothers and housewife´s started to fade, but it´s still present. This symbolizes a decrease in the objectifying of women.


MEC - Brasil; Capes