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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Looking for the gentle and looking for the strong: When and how precise vs. round green product claims influence consumer perceptions and preferences for green products.

Published: May 28, 2019


Artemis Panigyraki, Imperial College Business School; Sven Mikolon, Imperial College Business School


Green consumption; Sustainability; Numerical information


Often green claims about product features or ingredients are communicated with numerical information. Yet, marketers still know little about how the use of number precision in green product claims can affect consumers’ preferences. The goal of this investigation is to gain a better understanding about when and why round versus precise numerical information in green product claims increases consumer preferences for green products. This study shows that numerical values trigger unique associations in itself, which will impact consumer preferences for green products, such that when strength-related consumption goals are salient, a green claim expressed in round numbers (e.g., 100% natural) will increase consumer preferences for the product whereas when gentleness-related consumption goals are salient, a green claim expressed in precise numbers (e.g., 93.4%) will increase consumer preferences.