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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Innovation contest organized by a Cooperative Bank: The Influence of the perception of the winner selection rule

Published: May 28, 2019


Alice FALCHI, iaelyon School of Management; Sonia CAPELLI, University Lyon3, IAE lyon, Magellan, Lyon; William SABADIE, iaelyon School of Management


cooperatives; members; ideation


This research deals with the ability of customer-members (who are both co-owners of the firm and customers) to produce new ideas in the context of a co-innovation competition as well as the influence of their perception of the selection rule on the quality of suggested ideas. A between-subject experiment is set up on the occasion of an innovation contest organized by a French cooperative bank (2 customer statuses – members vs. non-members – × 3 selection rules of the winning idea (by managers, by customer-members, by all customers). Based on the study of 565 submitted ideas on the occasion of an innovation contest organized by a French cooperative bank, the results show that customers who are aware of their co-owner status offer ideas of higher quality depending on their perception of the winner selection rule: when they perceive the selection rule as relevant (vs. irrelevant), their attitude towards the firm is higher (vs. lower) which improves (vs. deteriorates) the quality of their ideas.