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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Consumer attitudes towards private labels and national brand promotions: Effects of price and personality-related variables

Published: May 28, 2019


Maria Sarmento, Nova School of Business and Economics; M. MERCEDES GALAN - LADERO, UNIVERSITY OF EXTREMADURA; Susana Marques, University of Aveiro


Consumer; Behaviour; Retailing


This study addresses consumer motivations towards private labels (PLs) and national brand (NB) promotions uncovering the effects of price-related variables (price consciousness and price unfairness) and personality-related variables (smart shoppers self-perception and risk aversion). The research uses data from a cross-sectional survey (n=278) applied to Portuguese consumers. Findings confirm the importance of price-related variables and the personality attribute of being smart shoppers (that translates into consumers who feel proud of their thoughtful decisions), revealing that, on the other hand, risk aversion is not a trait that prevents consumers from buying PLs.