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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Comparing Product Policy’s Effectiveness for E-Commerce Companies

Published: May 28, 2019


Maximilian Groh, University of Minho; Cláudia Simões, University of Minho


E-Commerce; Product competition factors; Consumer choice


The fast growth of the Internet-based economy has been mainly characterized by the emergence and impact of both information-technology products and virtual transactions upon businesses and communication. Research in the area has subsequently focused on evaluating the frameworks of online business portfolios. Notably, most studies carrying out an investigation of different aspects of the e-commerce paradigm have highlighted the nature and effectiveness of online marketing structures, therefore overlooking a detailed understanding of the effectiveness of product policies employed by the vast majority of e-commerce companies. This study looks at the effectiveness of product policies generally employed by e-commerce companies. To this end, we gathered relevant information concerning not only theoretical but also methodological guidelines for assessing the effectiveness of product policies utilized by the vast majority of e-commerce companies.