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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Visitor characteristics matter: How the positive impact of visit duration on visitor satisfaction at visitor attractions is moderated

Published: May 28, 2019


Lea Faerber, HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration gGmbH; Dennis Ahrholdt, HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration gGmbH; Oliver Schnittka, University of Southern Denmark


Visitor satisfaction; Visit duration; Visitor attraction


Operating in a highly competitive market, it is crucial for visitor attractions (VAs) to generate visitor satisfaction (VS). Existing research suggests uniformly increasing visitors’ visit durations (VD) to positively affect VS. However, contrary findings have appeared; it remains unclear why and under which conditions the positive effect occurs and is leveraged or weakened. This study empirically analyses the moderating and mediating effects on the VD–VS relationship using a visitor survey. Results indicate that the relationship is strengthened, with higher levels of visitors’ experience with other related VAs, with increasing levels of importance of recommendations by others to the visitation decision, and with decreasing levels of visitors’ personal life satisfaction. Moreover, “value for money” mediates the effect of VD on VS. In turn, this study provides practical insights into a more visitor segment-specific utilization of VD’s effect for managing VS more efficiently.