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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Consumer Reactions to Automated Products: Two Experiments on the Role of Task Hedonism and Consumer Nostalgia

Published: May 28, 2019


Patrick Kremer, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt; Sven Feurer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Ju-Young Kim, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt


Automation; Hedonism; Nostalgia


The introduction of automated consumer products is constantly gaining momentum. In order to investigate the effect of automation on consumers’ anticipated happiness we conducted two independent studies to identify the role of task hedonism and consumer nostalgia. The findings of Study 1 suggest that automation enables consumers to perceive a release of free resources which in turn increases happiness. However, this effect only occurs for focal tasks being perceived as rather low on a hedonic dimension. If the perceived ex ante task hedonism is rather high the positive effect of automation on perceived freed-up resources diminishes. In addition, Study 2 shows that automation is able to increase the perceived hedonic value of the focal task which increases consumer happiness. For consumers high in nostalgia the effect of automation on perceived task hedonism diminishes. Concluding, we highlight the importance of individual differences for the acceptance of automated consumer products.