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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Intention to visit the store and buy: is it influenced by store flyers design?

Published: May 28, 2019


Maciel Prediger, Business School, University of Barcelona – UB; Rubén Huertas-Garcia, University of Barcelona – UB; Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Dep. of Economics and Business, University of Almería – UA


Store Flyer; Fast Heuristics; Consumer Behaviour


According to the principle of energy efficiency proposed by Todd (2001), consumers use heuristics to make quick decisions with little information. The aim is to analyze the flyer design features, which consumers take as informative pieces of their heuristics to decide to visit the store and buy. To test this proposal, a mixed experiment is suggested, which combines a between and a within-subject experiment, by designing a store flyer of a fictitious retailer’s store. Twelve different flyers were used that combine design features, and assortment characteristics that are offered in two sections (yoghourt and bath gel). To illustrate the heuristic nature of the decision process, the moderating role of deal-involvement is demonstrated. As a result, high-deal involvement customers process information in a more systematic way, using high-content informative pieces, while those with low-deal involvement use very fast heuristics, using little-content informative pieces to make their decisions.


We thank Irene Esteban Millat for her help in the management of the fieldwork. We thank M. Dolores Vázquez-Gómez Ph.D. for the help in the development of the flyer.