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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

The Influence of Religiosity on Chinese Vice Product Consumption

Published: May 28, 2019


Kathy I Man Mok, University of Macau; Desmond Lam, University of Macau


Religiosity; Vice product; Impulsiveness


This paper explored the influence of religiosity on the vice product consumption of Chinese individuals. Religiosity is a dimension defining the extrinsic utilitarian and intrinsic spiritual motivations amongst religious individuals. Drinking and gambling were selected as common vice products in this study and the moderating effect of impulsiveness was also considered. The research aimed to establish a mechanism to explain the impact of religiosity (as a personal value) on both substance and behavioural vice products consumption, especially for countries with large religious population. To do so, a major survey was conducted with a sample of more than 400 Chinese respondents. The results showed that intrinsic religiosity and extrinsic religiosity each worked differently on vice product consumption urge and behaviours.