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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

The reasons that have led to the de-internationalization of Brazilian retailers

Published: May 28, 2019


Adriana Madeira, University Presbyterian Mackenzie


De-internationalization; Reasons; Retail


The increasing geopolitical, and financial changes, as well as advances in digital environment interactions, have led to the de-internationalization of retail companies, alongside the expansion of international business. Based on an analysis of this context, this exploratory study aimed to identify the reasons that have led to the process of de-internationalization by Brazilian retailers, as well as the intervening factors and the forms of de-internationalization adopted. A case study of two Brazilian retail companies was carried out. The case analysis revealed that the absence of a clear strategy for operating in foreign markets, inadequate organizational competence in international operations, a lack of knowledge about the external environment and overseas markets, the inexistence of an internal company structure, in addition to the commercial, economic, and political conditions in the host country, were relevant in explaining why the companies studied restructured or closed down operations in certain countries.