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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Towards a better understanding of dispossession practices: a cultural approach based on TV framing

Published: May 28, 2019


Ben Kemoun Nathan, Université Paris Dauphine- PSL Research University-DRM CNRS, UMR (7088); Lucie Brice, CREDOC; Caitucoli Paul-Mathieu, Université Paris Dauphine- PSL Research University, DRM CNRS, UMR (7088); Valérie Guillard, Paris-Dauphine University; Hoibian Sandra, CREDOC; Rezoug Nacer, CREDOC


circular economy; media framing; environmental issue


Clearer understanding of circulation practices (gift, sale, disposal) involving second-hand goods raises issues for public policy in terms of the reduction of waste/wastage. Research has mainly focused on why and how people get rid of unwanted items. However, study of the cultural context of these practices, in other words, the “macro” elements influencing them, has been neglected. Analysis of the coding of 331 television newscasts in France on four channels enabled us to identify features of the media framing of these practices: over-representation of men; gendered and stereotyped distribution of products; predominance of economic practices; motivations that differ according to the social classes shown on the screen; practices largely portrayed as “smart”. These findings are discussed in terms of public policy issues: preservation of the environment, but also the promotion of alternative lifestyles, such as voluntary simplicity.