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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Synthesizing and expanding research on social media marketing strategies

Published: May 28, 2019


Fang Fang Li, University of Vaasa; Jorma Larimo, University of Vaasa; Leonidas Leonidou, University of Cyprus


social media; marketing strategy; literature review


Social media is gaining momentum as a component of firms’ marketing strategies. However, little effort has been made to integrate previous research and provide guidance on how to incorporate social media into the marketing strategy. To fill the gap, in this paper, we first conceptualize social media marketing strategy based on social media and marketing strategy dimensions. We also propose a framework for organizing the fragmented literature into four social media marketing strategies, based on the intensity and direction of seller-buyer interactions. Based on this categorization, we then synthesize and evaluate extant knowledge contained in 60 articles published on social media marketing strategy. Finally, we suggest directions for future research based on theoretical, methodological, and empirical grounds.