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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Testing a Model of Consumer Receptivity Toward Foreign Brands and Products

Published: May 28, 2019


Sophia Mueller, San Diego State University ; George Belch, San Diego State University; Heather Honea, San Diego State University


receptivity ; international ; products


A model was proposed in 1993 by George and Michael Belch assessing consumer’s receptivity to foreign products and brands. Based on an extensive literature review of key variables in the model, some the original variables proposed by the authors were retained, others were dropped, and several new variables were incorporated into the model. The revised model was tested in order to develop a better understanding of the correlation between variables affecting ultimate purchase intent of a foreign product by American consumers. To test the updated model, a survey was conducted with 200 U.S. consumers. Significant correlations were discovered among the attitudes and receptivity measures for the countries tested. However, consumer traits varied in their relationships with the attitude and receptivity measures. Finally, country of origin was the only measure found to have a significant impact on purchasing behavior.