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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Differential Framing Effects from Valence and Time-Differentiated Message Requests on Donation Behaviour

Published: May 28, 2019


Nursafwah Tugiman, University of New South Wales (UNSW); Gary Gregory, University of New South Wales; Rahul Govind, University of New South Wales


Message Valence; Message Request; Donation Behaviour


The purpose of this research is to investigate whether differential framing effects in an environmental charity’s campaign influence favourable consumer response. Past literature that has evaluated different types of message framing effects have found no conclusive findings on when or for whom, what type of messaging is most appropriate in gaining compliance. We investigate two framing domains; (i) message valence and (ii) time-differentiated message request which have been studied in a stand-alone fashion. A series of experiments will be performed to understand the causal effects of framing domains in predicting the effectiveness of an environmental charity’s campaigns. The research utilizes sentiment analysis to understand the existing framing strategy used by a charity and incorporates it in stimulus development. The expected findings of the study will help the charity to create effective campaigns with the aim of increasing received donations.