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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Consumers’ attitudes towards Fashion sustainability: an exploration by age group

Published: May 28, 2019


Belén Rodríguez Cánovas, Complutense University; R. Lorena Carrillo Barbosa, Corporación Asturias


Fashion; Sustainability; Ethics


Textile industry has a paramount impact in our economies, society and environment. It generates considerable turnovers and employs millions people. However, clothing is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Fast fashion has revolutionized both the manufacturing process based on speed and low cost and the consumers’ attitudes and behaviours focused on purchasing the latest trend and disposal. In response to this phenomenon, fashion is in the eye of the storm and many manufactures are working towards sustainability and ethics in fashion. However, consumers seem to be reluctant to adopt fashion sustainability. This study attempts to explore how age influences on fashion consumer’s attitudes towards sustainability. The study reveals several findings. First, clothing does not seem to be a priority for consumers in sustainability. Age moderates this result. Second, consumers show a different profile regarding their expectations towards sustainability practices in textile industry.