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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

“There’s an app for that!” – How digitally provided information about regional products affect consumers’ retailer perception and purchasing

Published: May 28, 2019


Vüsal Hasanzade, University of Goettingen; Ines Beeck, University of Goettingen; Waldemar Toporowski, University of Goettingen


local consumerism; information provision; purchase intention


While labels have predominantely been used in the past to reveal the local origin of a product, new technologies open up new opportunities by providing consumers with specific information through apps, which despite of their promising scope have not been studied yet. Consequently, this paper examines the effectiveness of different formats in disclosing local origin information by considering underlying mechanisms and target group specifications. The results of the field experiment indicate that information disclosure through labels and apps increases purchase intention and retailer image, while simple obligatory address codes impact consumer perception and behavior negatively. Accordingly, results provide support for the assumption that apps are indeed an effective and alternative way of providing consumers with detailed information about a product’s origin, allowing the retailer to satisfy consumer needs regarding more transparency and to position themselves as a responsible entity in a very competive marketplace by communicating these information.