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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Disclosing personal data to unfamiliar apps

Published: May 28, 2019


Carla Freitas Silveira Netto, UFRGS; Simoni Rohden, Unisinos / UFRGS; Marina Lugoch, Unisinos / UFRGS; Natália Englert, UFRGS; Valentina Ubal, UNIPAMPA / UFRGS


technology-based service (apps); privacy; self-disclosure


Consumers give personal data in exchange for mobile apps. One exploratory study and two between subjects experimental studies tested how trust, risk, hedonic and utilitarian perceptions are related to self-disclosure. The first experiment confirmed the influence of trust, which was expected, and familiarity, that was not expected since the scenario described an unknown brand. Mediation analysis showed that trust mediates the relation between hedonic/utilitarian perceptions and disclosure. Hedonic and utilitarian perceptions had a positive impact on trust and disclosure. A moderation analysis of endorsement and trust was significant, positively influencing disclosure. Study two verified these relations, except the moderation of endorsement, and confirmed the mediation effect of trust on the relation of risk and disclosure. Finally, it also allowed to explore the mediation of risk perception on (1) hedonic/utilitarian perceptions and disclosure, and (2) hedonic/utilitarian perceptions and trust relations.


The first author have a scholarship from CNPq --- Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico