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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

The Impact of Rural and Urban Advertising Context and Brands on the Attitude towards the Brand

Published: May 28, 2019


Anne Fota, University of Siegen; Sascha Steinmann, University of Siegen; Hanna Schramm-Klein, University of Siegen


Rural and Urban Advertising Context; Attitude towards the Brand; Mediation Analysis


Previous research has shown that the impact of advertising on brand attitude depends on various factors, such as the visual elements shown in the advertisement. In this study, we investigate how the attitude towards the brand is influenced when advertisings and brands are presented in either a rural or urban context. We conducted an experimental study and manipulated the experimental factors advertising context (urban vs. rural) and brand (urban vs. rural), and investigated both influences on the attitude towards the brand. Additionally, the mediating influences of attitude towards the advertising and mental imagery on the attitude towards the brand were investigated. The findings show that attitude towards the brand is influenced by the advertising context and brand. This influence is especially positive when showing an advertisement with a rural advertising context and an urban brand, while these effects are positively mediated by attitude towards the advertisement and mental imagery.