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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Effects of Real-time Sharing of Service Experience on Subsequent Satisfaction, Recall and Referral Behaviours

Published: May 28, 2019


melisa mete, Lecturer in Marketing, Keele Management School; Adrian Palmer, Professor in Marketing, Henley Business School, University of Reading; Xia Zhu, Lecturer in Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law, The Open University


memory; social media; customer engagement


Social media enables participants of an event to share experience of the event with friends in their social media networks virtually and in real time. However this virtual real-time sharing may lead participants to spend less effort focusing on the event and more on the process of sharing the event through their social media network. This research aims to understand whether a focus on external communication affects recall of the event, and from this, subsequent repeat purchase or experience and referral behaviours. The research is underpinned by models of memory structure and recall (Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995). A longitudinal study is undertaken in the context of an art gallery and a museum. Participants recorded behavioural and affective components of their visit over a period of six months. The use of social media during the experience effects outcomes of satisfaction and likelihood of recommendation to others. Findings indicate differences in participants’ recalled satisfaction over time.