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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

How to Motivate a Reviewer? Creating Best Practices to Implement a Successful Relationship Between a Journal and a Reviewer.

Published: May 27, 2020


Victoria-Anne Schweigert, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Andreas Geyer-Schulz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Reviewer Motivation; Scientific Publishing; Guidelines


A scientific journal has four main consumer groups: Readers, authors, reviewers and editors. Especially reviewers are very important, because they are expected to work for a journal without a typical reward like a salary. Without these well qualified researchers scientific quality management is not possible. But, how to motivate reviewers? Are there any studies or experience reports for this research question? Is it possible to adopt proved strategies from scientific articles and from CRM to motivate reviewers? This contribution consists of a state-of-the-art overview about literature on scientific reviewer motivation and introduces motivation frames/incentives. Next, we present a short analysis of reviewer’s behavior in the context of the journal XX by conducting a survey. Finally, we discuss trade-offs with the reviewer incentive systems and develop guidelines to motivate reviewers with help of our experiences, the survey results and findings of a discussion on the conference YY2019.