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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Cultural differences in the process toward trial intention of a counter-attitudinal food product: Entomophagy in France and Thailand

Published: May 27, 2020




cultural differences; novel food; entomophagy


Food consumption is strongly dependant on the local culture. At the same time, globalization generates new concerns regarding food, but also new product opportunities for consumers. How does culture influence the nature of the motives involved in the adoption of a counter-cultural and counter-attitudinal novel food product? Entomophagy, a very culture-bound practice, is today presented as a sustainable and economically pertinent solution and starts being offered in the western markets. A comparative study of two samples of French and Thai individuals investigates the factors explaining the willingness to try insects. Results enlighten the differences between the two groups. French positive attitudes mainly rely on the perceived biospheric benefits of entomophagy, while Thai positive attitudes are based on more intrinsic attributes such as taste. The specificities of the two routes toward willingness to try lead to specific recommendations for the marketers of novel food products.


The author thank the Commission Recherche du Programme ANR CRI-KEE (No. ANR-19-CE26-0003-02) for financial support. This research is part of a national project (carried out by the National Research Agency in France)