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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Adoption of wood-based eco-innovations: The influence of opinion leadership and consumer innovativeness

Published: May 27, 2020


Pradipta Halder, University of Eastern Finland ; Tommi Laukkanen, University of Eastern Finland


Consumer innovativeness; Opinion leadership; Wood-based eco-innovations


The study analyzes the effects of consumer independent judgement making (CIJM), consumer novelty seeking (CNS), and opinion leadership on the adoption of three wood-based eco-innovations (bioplastic, textitle fabric, and liquid biofuels). The authors test three hypothesized models with 461 consumers including 315 car owners in Finland. Age, gender, education, and income are controlled in the models. The results reveal that opinion leadership is the strongest predictor of consumer intention to buy the three wood-based eco-innovations. The results further suggest that the dimensions of consumer innovativeness, in terms of CIJM and CNS, do not predict adoption of wood-based eco-innovations. Male and younger people appear to be the early adopters of products made from wood-based bioplastic and textile fabric. The results imply that marketing of wood-based eco-innovations to the opinion leaders would potentially broaden the consumer base for these products.


The research was financially supported by the Academy of Finland (Grant No. 311346). The authors would like to express their gratitude to the survey respondents and all those who provided support during the early phase of the study.