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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Theorising Children Influence in Consumer Research: Towards an Integrative Model

Published: May 27, 2020


Asheeabee Hosany, University of Surrey; Arne Floh, University of Surrey


Children influence; Consumer socialisation; Family decision making


Academics and practitioners recognise the prominence of Children Influence (CI) in family consumer decisions. Over 50 years of research in the field has generated substantial, but disjointed findings. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework to synthesize the antecedents and outcomes of CI. The paper adopts a systematic literature review process and generates a completely innovative model of CI. The model identifies ten antecedents of CI, including: advertising and media, celebrity influence, family communication style, purchase decision characteristics, children characteristics, peer influence, family characteristics, brands, in store marketing stimuli and packaging. Outcome measures comprise of influence strategies and purchase behaviours. Based on this model, contributions and areas for future research are outlined.