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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Collaborative Consumption platforms: Modeling the Antecedents and Effects of the Three Dimensions of Trust.

Published: May 27, 2020


Fabienne Chameroy, Aix Marseille Univ, CERGAM, Aix-en-Provence, France; stéphane salgado, Toulouse School of Management - Université Toulouse 1 Capitole


Trust; Collaborative consumption platforms; C2C


If trust has been the subject of much research in B2C and e-commerce, we see a lack of research and reliable tools in the context of the collaborative consumption, a sector in full development with the emblematic example of Airbnb. Based on the seminal e-commerce literature, we have deemed it important to further develop the understanding of trust and test a conceptual model. The contribution of this work to literature is: (1) to study the relationships of the three dimensions (competence, integrity and benevolence) of trust between a consumer (obtainer) and a vendor (provider) mediated by an Internet platform (intermediary) (2) we addressed a prevailing research gap by investigating two trust constructs and provide evidence of a trust transfer between the intermediary and the provider (3) to study the antecedents (familiarity and platform reputation) and consequences of trust (namely intention to recommend, attitude towards the intermediary and intermediary loyalty).