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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

The not-yet-solved CSR puzzle in emerging countries: Exploring Vietnamese consumers’ perception in food sector

Published: May 27, 2020


Yen LE, Le Mans University; Nathalie Fleck, Le Mans University


corporate social responsibility; food sector; emerging countries


Though corporate social responsibility (CSR) is originated and well applied in western markets for long time, the western-centric CSR principles are not always effective to be imposed globally, especially in emerging countries. While CSR studies primarily focus on cross-sections rather than specific industries, there are few studies about CSR both in global scale and in emerging markets, particularly in the food sector, especially concerned by CSR. This research aims at filling the gap by studying the perceptions and responses of consumers toward CSR in the context of food sector in Vietnam, an Asian emerging country. Employing qualitative approach with in-depth interviews, this study reveals the general understanding of consumers toward CSR in food sector and five dimensions of CSR that together explain the variance in consumer responses to CSR engagement of firms. We also propose a typology of consumers toward CSR in the context of an emerging country.