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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Going organic, Fairtrade or both: what's best for vice and virtue products?

Published: May 27, 2020


Thomas Ruspil, University of Tours; Gauthier Casteran, Universiy of Limoges


Private label brands; vice vs virtue; labels


Organic and Fairtrade private label brands (PLB) as well as PLB combining both labels are more and more common in the marketplace. The impact of these labels and their combination on product value is not clear. Additionally, study on the possible difference of these labels’ effect between vice vs. virtue products is missing. We thus investigate the separate and combined effect of organic and Fairtrade labels on value (quality-, emotional-, social- and price-related dimensions). We test it with an online experiment. We find that labels have an effect on quality-related and price-related dimensions while we find an interaction effect between the type of products and labels on social-related dimension. We do not find any significant effect for emotional-related dimension.