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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Drivers of resistance to and adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on the use behaviour in the banking sector

Published: May 27, 2020


Rana AbdElMohsen , Cairo University ; Gamal AbdElAziz, Cairo University


IoT adoption; IoT resistance; banking sector


The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the challenges of the revolution of the internet and a trendy topic in the area of new-age technologies. This research aims to investigate the drivers that lead to the adoption of and resistance to the Internet of Things and its impact on use behaviour in the banking sector. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with bank managers, employees and clients to investigate the banking service in terms of perceived utility, perceived complexity, safety and privacy according to their awareness of the service and their educational level. Based on the qualitative findings, a quantitative study is planned to take place which will involve 600 participants via an online survey to test the qualitative finding empirically. This research has major implications in providing a complete understanding of the drivers that lead to the adoption of or resistance to IoT through use behaviour in the banking sector.