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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

The effect of with-voice messages on attitude toward chatbot services

Published: May 27, 2020


Jawoo Park, Musashi University; Hyo Jin Eom, Korea University


Chatbot service; With-voice message; Gender stereotype


With the improvement of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, chatbots can greatly benefit firms by providing customized and personalized services. Although human voices are already widely used in virtual assistant systems, there is a lack of systematic research that examines whether and how the auditory cue can contribute to creating a positive attitude toward chatbot services. To fill this gap, we investigated whether adding voices into text-based chatbot systems can result in a more positive attitude toward the services. The results of the three studies showed that with-voice (vs. text-only) massage resulted in a more positive attitude toward chatbot services only when the voice gender and service type (i.e., feminine or masculine) of the chatbot were congruent.