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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

How does customer satisfaction with service elimination influence repatronage intention?

Published: May 27, 2020


Ágnes Somosi, John von Neumann University; Krisztina Kolos, Corvinus University of Budapest


service elimination; repatronage intention; relationship breadth


Due to high churn rates in case of service elimination, revealing factors that influence repatronage intention is seen as a tool for enhancing service elimination success. The purpose of this paper is to identify these factors through a combined analysis of customer reactions and service subscription. 135 service elimination participants were asked about their reactions regarding the process and service subscription details. The results show that tenure lessens the effect of price increase. Relationship breadth and interaction intensity have a positive relationship with repatronage intention, and relationship breadth and service usage intensity also have a positive relationship with service elimination satisfaction. This research contributes to theory and practice in terms of both repatronage intention and service elimination literature revealing factors leading to customer satisfaction during service elimination.