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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Consumers Value Manufacturer Sincerity: The Effect of Central Eco-Friendly Attributes on Luxury Product Evaluations

Published: May 27, 2020


Dikla Perez, Bar Ilan University; Inbal Stockheim, College of Law an Business, Israel ; Danna Tevet, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya; Matan Rubin, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya


Luxury; Eco-friendliness; Centrality


Thus far, research has produced conflicting evidence with regard to consumers' positive evaluations of eco-friendly luxury products. The current research offers a framework to reconcile these findings. We suggest that the extent to which a luxury product’s eco-friendly attribute is central, or integral to its essence, positively affects consumers’ evaluations. This effect is mediated by perceived manufacturer sincerity; specifically, when a product’s eco-friendly attribute is central (vs. peripheral), consumers are more likely to perceive manufacturers as sincere with regard to their environmental intentions, and this perception enhances product evaluations. Three experiments support these propositions. In studies 1 and 2 we show the main effect of attribute centrality on luxury product evaluations, price perceptions and actual behavior. Study 3 demonstrates the mediating role of sincerity. Finally, we conduct an internal meta-analysis to further validate our findings.