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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Destination love, brand love and interpersonal love; an exploratory, comparative study of love across different contexts

Published: May 27, 2020


DIMITRA MARGIETA LYKOUDI, UNIVERSITY OF PIRAEUS; Georgia Zouni, University of Piraeus; MARKOS TSOGAS, University of Piraeus


destination love; brand love; interpersonal love


For many years interpersonal love has been considered as the basis of brand love in terms of the emotional nature. On the contrary, recently a rising body of researchers (e.g. Langner, Schmidt, and Fischer, 2015) examined and found that stronger emotions are observed in interpersonal love than in brand love and thus they are perceived as different emotions. The main objective of this study is to compare the three notions; destination love, brand love and interpersonal love, in terms of similarity, intensity, complexity, objectivity and vagueness criteria. This study is the first attempt to compare the notion of love across these three different contexts. The findings reveal that destination and interpersonal love share more similarities than differences, unlike brand love and interpersonal love. Destination and brand love share marginally more similarities than differences. Several noteworthy implications for both academics and practitioners have emerged.