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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

The Influence of Marketing Communications in Social Media on Electronic Word-of-Mouth

Published: May 27, 2020


Anna Bianchi, University of Warsaw / Faculty of Management; Mariusz Trojanowski, University of Warsaw / Faculty of Management


marketing communications; social media; word-of-mouth


In view of the resistance and negative attitudes toward advertising among consumers, and growing reach of social media, there is a growing interest in marketing communications in social media and word-of-mouth. However, the academic research examining the relationship between marketing communications and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is still scarce. By filling the research gap, the goal of this study, based on the uses and gratifications theory, is to assess the influence of marketing communications in social media on eWOM. The results of content analysis of 1,040 Facebook posts of cosmetic brands within two different European markets indicate that the level eWOM varies according to the communication form and appeal, the brand type, and the geographic market. The study allows a deeper understanding of marketing communication processes in the virtual environment and provides concrete guidelines on content having a positive influence on eWOM.