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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Evolution and perspectives of ecotourism

Published: May 27, 2020


Aida Caballer Fonollosa, Universitat Jaume I; Norat Roig-Tierno, ESIC Business & Marketing School; Alicia Mas-Tur, Universitat de València


Ecotourism; bibliometrics; Web of Science


Ecotourism is a tourist modality that has experienced an extraordinary growth in recent years. In this study, a bibliometric analysis of the key concept ‘ecotourism’ is developed. The main objective is to know the scientific productivity and impact of this field of research through a bibliometric analysis. The Web of Science (WoS) has been the tool to collect the data. Productivity, citations, impact factor, institutions, countries, journals and authors have been analyzed. In total, 2906 scientific articles of the period 1990-2018 have been studied. Complementarily, the representation of maps through VOS Viewer has been used, with bibliographic coupling, co-citation and the co-occurrence of keywords analysis. The results show that the interest in this tourist modality has increased in the last decade.