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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Determinants of Digital Access-Permission for Unattended Home Delivery Services

Published: May 27, 2020


Sascha Steinmann, University of Siegen; Tobias Roeding, University of Siegen; Anne Fota, University of Siegen; Hanna Schramm-Klein, University of Siegen


Digital Access-Permission; Home Delivery Service; Data-Security


Due to the increasing relevance of an efficient and sustainable “last mile” delivery-process, the integration of information technology is becoming highly important for research and suppliers. In center of interest is customers’ perception of CEP (courier, express and parcel) service providers, especially when it comes to the delivery with the help of smart lock-systems (at the front-door or a parcel locker). Hereby, our research refers of Privacy Calculus theory, focusing on customers’ benefits and data- safety-concerns regarding their intention to provide access-permission. By conducting an online survey (N=299), we compare beneficial aspects as convenience and sustainability and customers’ privacy concerns in the CEP service provider and customers’ issue of trust in the (final) deliverer. Findings lead to meaningful implications for future research and for concrete practical implementation, like a more focused communication on sustainability and training on deliverers’ competences.