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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

How organizations can promote customer centric experiences?

Published: May 27, 2020


Patrícia Boaventura, Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV/EAESP; Eliane Brito, Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV/EAESP


customer experience ; customer centricity; organizational capabilities


This study explores what are the main capabilities organizations need to develop to be able to adopt a strategy focused on customer centric experiences. We interviewed top managers of organizations of diverse industries, including a consulting company, and investigated what they understand by customer centric experience, how their organizations are structured to offer this kind of experience and what are the challenges they have faced. We identified that organizations that want to promote customer centric experiences must reflect this mindset in the organizational culture and strategic decisions. But, to be able to achieve the expected results, they need to develop dynamic capabilities that allow them to be connected with the network, able to rapidly adapt and change. They need to share customer information real time along departments; to organize in flexible multidisciplinary teams; to involve supply chain actors in a customer centric mindset; to monitor ‘personas’ in a dynamic and iterative process; and to follow metrics that are able to collect customers’ feedback on the experience.


This work was financially supported by FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) under Grant #2016/08855-3