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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

How gamification in banner advertising affects attitude towards the ad, brand recall and purchase intention

Published: May 27, 2020


Nadine Schröder, WU Wien; Nils Wlömert, Vienna University of Economics and Business


gamification; exposure duration; product recall


Customers encounter an increasing number of advertising stimuli, making it challenging for advertisers to attract attention and stimulate purchases. The gamification of advertising content provides one possible means to increase attention and engagement with the ad. In our research we compare gamified banner ads to traditional banner ads in an online experiment using a 2x2 between subject experimental design with random assignment. Users were either exposed to a standard banner ad or a gamified version in form of a memory game. To disentangle the gamification effect from a mere increase in exposure duration through the gamification element, we use a second experimental factor, controlling for the time (fixed vs. unlimited) that users in both groups get to interact with the respective stimulus. Initial results suggest a positive effect of gamification on ad-related outcomes (i.e., interaction time, attitude towards the ad) and brand-related outcomes (i.e., brand recall, purchase intention).