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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Agri-food firm’s digital transformation behaviors: a multiple case study

Published: May 27, 2020


Moreno Frau, Corvinus University of Budapest; Tamara Keszey, Corvinus University of Budapest


Digital Transformation; Food Processing; Behavior


This study aims to explore how agri-food firms are digitally transformed. Our analysis shows that internal manufacturing data creation can dramatically defer from firm to firm, pinpointing three main types of data: analogic, digitalized, and native digital data. Furthermore, the analysis also unveils digital transformation enablers that indiscriminately push firms to adopt digital solutions. By combining the types of data with the digitalization enablers, we find four main behaviours related to digital transformation (Paper master, Digital wannabe, Digital champion, and Digital migrant). This work contributes to an understanding of how agri-food firms behave in distinct stages of digital transformation, and it illustrates how digitalization enablers influence these behaviours. This paper also provides managerial guidelines that help agri-food firms recognize the features of how food processing might take advantage of digital transformation.