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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Closely distant: how luxury brand-consumer engagement on social media influences consumer perception and loyalty

Published: May 27, 2020


Ali GHASEMI BAGHABRISHAMI, University of Lorraine; Nathalie Fleck, Le Mans University; Hélène Yildiz, University of Lorraine


Luxury Brand; Social Media; Brand-Consumer Engagemt


The advent of social media sites presented new opportunities for luxury brands to communicate their core values to a broader range of consumers and increase brand awareness. Facilitating access to luxury, however, might dilute its exclusivity and undermine its salient features. In this paper, we aimed to study this paradox through developing a theoretical model that takes into account luxury brand-consumer engagement on social media and the psychological distance that influences consumers’ value perception and subsequently, customer-brand identification, satisfaction and brand loyalty. This conceptual framework aims to provide some insights into social media marketing activities of luxury brands. It should result in implications for both researchers and managers about how to manage the paradox between luxury perception linked to distance and online strategies of brands based on proximity.