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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Pour me some coffee… in my reusable cup, please!

Published: May 27, 2020


JUAN LUIS NICOLAU, Virginia Tech University; Luisa Andreu, University of Valencia; Katja Anna Stadlthanner, University of Valencia; Xavier Font, University of Surrey


sustainability; discount; hospitality


There is an increasing number of hospitality firms that foster sustainable practices along with their customers, among which incentives to bring reusable products stand out. This research analyses the determinant factors of people’s willingness to bring a reusable product from a twofold perspective: the qualitative decision of whether to bring a reusable product and the quantitative decision of the minimum discount for these people to be willing to bring it. While the literature has looked into the factors that lead people to resort to reusable products, no analysis has investigated simultaneously these qualitative and quantitative decisions in a hospitality environment. This study, in which the reusable product of the empirical application is a coffee cup, fills this gap by estimating a Heckit model, which allows us to simultaneously model both decisions and detect their determinants, and to consider any potential sample selection bias.