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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Local food products as an entryway to responsible food purchases?

Published: May 27, 2020


Francine Rodier, ESG UQAM; Caroline Boivin, Université de Sherbrooke; Myriam Ertz, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi


responsible food; spillovers effects; entryway


The purpose of this research is to explore the links between responsible purchase behaviours in different food product categories, in order to test for the existence of spillover effects between the categories. The study also identifies possible entryways to stimulate further the purchase of such food products. The study examines the effects of the purchases in five responsible food categories (namely local fresh, local transformed, organic, fair trade and non-GMO) in a nonrecursive model consisting of feedback loops representing the different expected spillover effects. The results show spillover effects between all the food product categories under study, suggesting common motivational roots between the behaviours. The results also identify the purchase of local food products as an entryway to purchases in the other responsible food categories.