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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Are Shopping Malls Accessible to Everyone? An Empirical Study

Published: May 27, 2020


Işık Özge Yumurtacı Hüseyinoğlu, Izmir University of Economics ; Bengu Oflac, Izmir University of Economics; Kübra Göksu Köstepen, Manisa Celal Bayar University


transformative service research; shopping mall; people with disabilities


The purpose of this study is to investigate the barriers people with disabilities experience in shopping malls and their access to those environments, and to explore the transformative actions required for people with disabilities living in an emerging country. The findings indicate that barriers faced by people with disabilities in their customer journey to shopping malls are categorized in four areas; transportation, in-store, food courts-cinemas, shopping mall parking lots and circulation areas. As well as the physical barriers, relational barriers are also revealed. Additionally, by employing a participatory approach, this study yields new insights for service design and shopping experience enhancement for people with disabilities. Taking perceptions of people with disabilities as a reference point, this study reveals main barriers that shopping mall administrations and municipalities should focus on. By adopting a transformative approach, it aims to contribute to the promotion and design of fair retail and shopping mall services for people with disabilities.