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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

The Mediating Effect of Risk on Trust and Behavioral Intention in Durable Products

Published: May 27, 2020


Pervin Ersoy, Asst. Prof. Dr./Yasar University/Faculty of Business; Gülmüş Börühan, Asst. Prof. Dr./Yasar University/ Faculty of Business


Behavioral Intention; Risk; Trust


The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate the effect of risk on customers’ brand trust and behavioral intention in durable products. In these study electrical appliances, both brown and white goods were chosen as the focus of the study. The aim objective of this study is to focus on three subjects; how brand trust affect the risk perception of customers’ for durable products, how customers’ risk perception affect their behavioral intention, how brand trust affect the behavioral intention? A model is developed and tested by using structural equation modelling. The empirical results, proposed hypothesis, and the findings support that trust influence behavioral intention to buy a product by reducing risk perception on product. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of these findings for the durable products, and outlines recommendations to reinforce trust relations with customers’ decisions by considering the mediating effect of risk.