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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

How Device Type Affects Product Returns in E-Commerce

Published: May 27, 2020


Alisa Keller, University of Passau; Dirk Totzek, University of Passau


mobile commerce; cross device shopping; product returns


The goal of this study is to examine how device type influences customers’ return probability. Our study is based on field data from a large German retailer. We analyze over 30,000 purchase transactions using a logistic regression model. We demonstrate that, alongside order, customer and situational characteristics, device specific factors have a substantial role in explaining return behavior. We find that using a smartphone versus a fixed device for online purchasing leads to a significant increase in return probability. However, when customers’ complete their purchase on a tablet versus fixed device, return probability significantly decreases. We put forward two mechanisms explaining these effects. Our results propose that risk of a wrong purchase and thus return probability decreases with an increase in device screen size. Further, we suggest that the use of a touchscreen increases customers’ psychological ownership of the product and hence results in a lower return probability.