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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Does digital innovation diminish consumers’ perceived brand authenticity?

Published: May 27, 2020


Sayma MESSELMANI, IAE Aix-Marseille Université Graduate School of Managememt; Virginie de Barnier, IAE Aix-Marseille Université Graduate School of Management


Authenticity; Digital; Innovation


This paper explores the impact of product digital innovation on brand authenticity from consumers’ perspective. Rolex and Cartier’s consumers’ perceived brand authenticity was measured through a quantitative questionnaire (N=137), using Morhart et al. (2015) 15-item scale, before and after being exposed to a scenario in which the two brands adopted a digital innovation. Results show that brand authenticity is stable and constant, which is a strong asset for brands. Perceived brand authenticity reinforces brand equity. Moreover, it is an asset and an important source of competitive advantage that rely strongly on the brand aura and its projected genuine values. Consequently, a high perceived authentic brand enables to launch digital innovations without endangering it brand assets.