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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Consumer responses to packaging information and product choice through neuromarketing techniques

Published: May 27, 2020


Ana Martinez-Levy, Dept. of Communication and Social Science, Sapienza University of Rome -   BrainSigns Srl, Rome, Italy; Dario Rossi, Department of Business and Management, LUISS, Rome, Italy; Patrizia Cherubino, Department of Molecular Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy -   BrainSigns Srl, Rome, Italy; Arianna Trettel, BrainSigns Srl, Rome, Italy; Fabio Babiloni, Department of Molecular Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy / College of Computer Science and Technology, University Hangzhou Dianzi, Hangzhou, China / BrainSigns Srl, Rome, Italy


Neuromarketing; Product choice; Packaging


The packaging observation induces responses on consumers that should be considered when creating marketing strategies. Extrinsic aspects in the packaging give information about the product intrinsic characteristics that should be clearly noticed. This seems crucial when considering healthy products, as their characteristics should stand out. On this context, beer has a variety of non-alcoholic (NA) beverage proven to have healthy properties. However, the consumers reactions during the observation of the two varieties of the product has not been investigated in depth in literature. The aim of this paper is to investigate the neurophysiological responses to the Beer and NA-Beer packaging. To this purpose we recorded visual attention through the eye tracker technique (ET) and obtained the emotional evaluation through galvanic skin response (GSR) and heart rate (HR). Product choice was then reported by the participants. Results showed discrepancies between the neurophysiological responses to the packaging and the declared preference for the beer that could have useful implications for beverage marketers.