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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Relationship between customer satisfaction and the recommendation and repurchase intention in online shopping environment

Published: May 27, 2020


Krisztian Szucs, Faculty of Business and Economics, Univeristy of Pecs; Akos Nagy, University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics; Ildikó Kemény, Corvinus University of Budapest; Judit Simon, Corvinus University of Budapest


online shopping environment; customer satisfaction; recommendation


The aim of our research is to examine quality perception and satisfaction, and their impact on the performance of webshops The "performance" is measured by customer satisfaction, electronic and traditional recommendation intentions, and repurchase intentions. We also sought to answer the question of what non-monetary dimensions have the most important predictive power in determining future behaviour - influencing repurchase intentions and generating word-of-mouth in the online shopping environment. For the research we defined an integrated model containing three parts in which the relationships between the variables were tested by a survey. The online survey was conducted on a sample of 2000 respondents. The results show that also in the online environment there is a strong correlation between trust, usefulness, perceived quality and satisfaction. Satisfaction also has a significant impact on traditional WOM, e-WOM and repurchase intentions.